Saturday, July 9, 2022

C2: Week 1, Fearless ♥ (Abhaya Hridaya Mudra)

 C2: Week 1, Fearless ♥ (Abhaya Hridaya Mudra)

Props: 2 blks + strap


Thunderbolt pose prayer - Gyan mudra

option to come to virasana

Cat cows - 2x

Cat cow stretch


Rag doll twist

Stand at attn

<fearless Heart Mudra>



To be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.

Sun A:

I--Mt  - Half Sun A-


I--Half Lift



E--Stand at attn (1 + 2x)

I--Mt  -Full Sun A- R+L

E--Baby BB



I--Half Lift

E--LL (Root your R, L back)

I--Cres Moon

<stagger w. neighbor/towel>

E--Cres. w. W2

I--Cres. w. Rev W

E--Cres. w. Ext. W

I--Cres Moon



E--Stand at attn 

Repeat Left (1 + 1x)

Sun B:

I--Chair -> High Chair

E--Drink Bird

Root thru R foot

I--1 L Mt (Left L raises)

E--Stn Splits

I--Cres lunge

E--open twist R

I--exalted Cres L


I--sky archers R

Repeat L (1+ 1x)

Sub B+:

I--1 L Mt (Left L raises)

E--Fig 4 

Come up high w. your toes rooted


E--open twist R w. Double Lunge

I--exalted Cres w. Double Lunge


Boat - hold for 8..err..7

Blk in longest setting

Forearm boat with leg twists

Legs up the wall-> draw circles


I--Elevate R Leg H

E--W 1

I--Hinge Fwd, parms in prayer

E--Rev W 1


E--Run Lunge


E--Quad stretch



I--1 Leg Mt (Root R)

E--Fig 4

Focus - Toe Stand

E-- release both knees to mat

I-- Interlace palms 

E-- Cow face pose 


E-- Fall forward surrender (mini hips if less time)

Repeat L


Half Pigeon or firelog with cowface legs


Supported Bridge

Supta baddha


Happy baby

Supine twist



Bliss Bombs

 Muscle Action Cues

  • Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.

  • The fears we won’t face become our limits

  • The more you are motivated by love, the more fearless your actions will be

  • Fetal pose: Have you received fearless Love? Have you given fearless love?

Mudra -A mudrā "gesture” is a symbolic gesture performed by the hands.

Mudras act to stimulate different parts of the body involved with breathing and to affect the flow of energy in the body and even one’s mood.  The specific hand gestures and positions act as “locks” to guide energy flows and reflexes to the brain. By curling, crossing, stretching and touching the fingers and hands, we can manipulate the mind body connection as each area of the hand corresponds to a certain part of the mind or body. 

On a more spiritual level, practicing specific mudras is an outward representation of one’s inward intentions.

Abhaya Hridaya Mudra is a symbolic gesture that empowers you to find the courage to follow your heart. Sanskrit for "fearless heart seal" this mudra can be called upon in difficult times to connect you to your heart's truth.

Abhaya Hridaya Mudra:

1. Identify your R palm. Cross the right wrist behind your left at your heart centre

2. Bring the backs of the hands together

3. Interlock opposite pinky, middle and index fingers (skipping the ring finger)

4. Bring the tip of the ring finger and thumb together on each hand


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Namaste, Friends.

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